

About to head out for a month long tour, this time  mostly in France and Belgium with Susana Santos Silva and Tom Malmendier but other exciting events later in the month, including a week to be spent attempting a mix of the live recording of the opera Truth is a Four Letter Word. In May I’ll be playing some concerts in New York and points north east, as well as UK gigs outside London for the first time in a long while, including Bristol, Glasgow, and  Leeds, close to where I grew up! See upcoming concerts page for details as they emerge. RESISTANCE!

The Life and Behavior with harpist Shelley Burgon is now out on the Relative Pitch label, and Nature with gong virtuoso Karen Stackpole should follow on Sub Rosa in March. Meanwhile I’ve been compiling live recordings of the Gravity Band in Moers and Nijmegen, what a band that was! To be released soon on Klanggalerie..

Every month I’ll post five pieces of music for your listening pleasure, the March playlist is now available!

Recent Releases

The Life and Behavior

with harpist Shelley Burgon on the Relative Pitch label

Moving Parts

with instrument inventor Sudhu Tewari on Fo’c’sle

Cosa Brava’s Z Sides

on Klanggalerie


(performances by Percussion Art Ensemble Bern)